CALL NOW 214-575-6060 24/7/365
We offer affordable and effective legal representation all over the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Including Arlington, Carrollton, Coppell, Desoto, Dallas, Garland, Grand Prairie, Grapevine, Irving, Mesquite, Plano, and Richardson. Whether you’re facing a speeding ticket or a more serious charge, we can help.

I’m so glad I got a traffic ticket today, said no one ever. Getting a ticket sucks.
There you are, happily driving along, when you notice your rearview mirror filled with a portent of doom…or worse, seemingly out of nowhere, a cop steps into the road and waves you down.
As your hope sinks you might get away with a warning, the officer takes their time getting out of the patrol car.
He (or she) takes a perverse pleasure in your anxiety, trading you a flimsy piece of paper for your peace of mind, along with the promise of a day in court and a hefty fine.
We’re not going to pretend having to a pay a lawyer to get a traffic ticket fine reduced, or even make a traffic ticket go away is what anyone ever wants to do, but if you’ve been unlucky enough to get a traffic ticket, hire us now and put traffic court out of your thoughts.
You may think that speeding ticket is going on your record, or that a fine is impossible to avoid.
You’re probably wrong.
We can negotiate a reduced penalty, we can explore alternative dispositions, such as deferred adjudication, and we may even be able to get your ticket dismissed.
Remember, the mere opinion of a police officer does not make anybody guilty.

We know how to negotiate the best deal available with city and county prosecutors representing municipalities and counties.
We will work to get your traffic ticket dismissed, while exploring alternatives like deferred adjudication if outright dismissal is not available.
If your traffic ticket is already in warrant status, we’ll negotiate a meaningful reduction in the fines you’ll pay to get that warrant lifted.
We also do everything possible to keep traffic violations off your driving record.
We take care of traffic tickets so you don’t have to. Our fees start at $40.00.
If a traffic ticket is in warrant we charge a little more.
If you have more than one traffic ticket, we’re willing to negotiate discounts, and we’ll also do payment plans in some circumstances.
If you’re facing a court date and fines because of a traffic ticket, can you really afford not to hire us?

Getting a traffic ticket in and around Dallas or Fort Worth doesn’t always mean you have to pay a hefty fine or take defensive driving. If no warrant has been issued for your arrest, then there are many options open to you, such as deferred adjudication, or in the best case, outright dismissal. Even if your traffic ticket is in warrant status, it’s not the end of the world. We’re tough negotiators, and we’re often able to reduce fines and penalties to a fraction of the initial amount demanded; we’ll post bond on your warrant and negotiate a deferred deal on the underlying charge!

We know how to negotiate the best deal possible to reduce the financial and personal consequences of a traffic ticket to the absolute minimum. We’re familiar with the city, county and state attorneys who prosecute traffic tickets, traffic warrants and speeding tickets in Dallas, Fort Worth and the surrounding cities and counties. We’re quick and responsive, and we’re affordable too.